Progesterone: A Key Ingredient for Optimal Health
Posted on March 4, 2016, 6 a.m.
Dr. Daniel F. Royal weighs in on the benefits of Progesterone.
Chili Peppers Cheat Death
Posted on May 5, 2016, 6 a.m. in Longevity Functional Foods
People who eat spicy foods daily may reduce their risk of death by as much as 14%.
Chili Peppers Cheat Death
Chili Peppers Cheat Death
Chili peppers are abundant in capsaicin, a compound that is associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Emerging evidence also suggests that it exerts beneficial effects on the gut microbiota.
Progesterone May Preserve Memory & Cognition
Posted on Dec. 19, 2013, 6 a.m. in Women’s Health Progesterone
Levels of progesterone may correlate to verbal memory and global cognition, among women who were newly postmenopausal.
Testosterone Supplementation Beneficial to Men with Heart Disease
Posted on None in Men’s Health Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone
New study finds that testosterone supplementation enables a reduction in the risks of major cardiovascular events, such as strokes, heart attacks, and death.