The 13 Ways to Anti-Age Your Brain
The risk of dementia doubles every five years after the age of 65 in Australia. And whereas before little was known about this debilitating disease, we now have “some good ideas as to what may be the contributing mechanisms”, says Professor Perminder Sachdev, co-director of the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), UNSW.
While there’s no cure, there are preventive measures everyone can take right now, from this day onward, to help delay the onset of brain disease. In fact, rather than being purely genetic, Alzheimer’s may be equally induced by environmental factors – things we actually have the power to change. And if you’ve ever lived through the effects of dementia on a loved one, you will know you want to avoid it as much as humanly possible.
Vitamin D supplementation-“To D or not to D”
When asked about how people can stay healthy in the winter months, Dr. John Young has an unexpected answer: vitamin D supplements.
Young, medical director at Young Foundational Health Center in Largo, Florida, regularly encourages his patients to take around 10,000 International Units of the hormone each day and 40,000 IU when they’re feeling ill.
“(Patients) will tell me, ‘The next morning I had to remind myself that I was sick,'” he said, calling the extra large dose a “trick of the trade.”
Although most national health organizations set the recommended daily dose of vitamin D between 400 and 1,000 IU, Young is not alone in crediting higher doses with healing power. Over the last few years, vitamin D has emerged as a darling of the health industry, tied to reduced risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, some cancers, multiple sclerosis and even the seasonal flu, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.
Avocados Counter Cholesterol
With previous studies showing a capacity to reduce a person’s risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, fresh avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Enrolling 45 healthy, overweight adults between the ages of 21 and 70 years, Penny M. Kris-Etherton, from Pennsylvania State University (Pennsylvania, USA), and colleagues tested three different diets, all designed to lower cholesterol: a lower-fat diet, consisting of 24 percent fat, and two moderate fat diets, with 34 percent fat
The Quintessential Anti-Aging Essential
A mountain of evidence documents that physical inactivity raises a person’s risk of premature death, as well as increases the risks of diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Ulf Ekelund, from, the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), and colleagues assessed the link between physical inactivity and premature death. The team analyzed data collected on 334,161 men and women across Europe, enrolled in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study. Over an average of 12 years, the researchers measured height, weight and waist circumference, and used self-assessment to measure levels of physical activity.
Medically supervised Diet Programme and maintenance
5 years ago I heard about HCG weight loss from a colleague in the USA. He had experienced amazing results in his clinic treating people for weight loss using HCG combined with a very low calorie(500 Cal/day) diet. In August 2103, I attended a conference in Melbourne run by the Australian Academy of anti ageing medicine on HCG where experts from around the world shared their experiences with HCG and weight loss.
My daughter Claire who is a qualified Exercise physiologist and nutritionist has a special interest in this area and will be running the clinic which I will be medically supervising. We will be using medical grade,prescription only, HCG in the form of a sublingual lozenge(similar to the troches we use for bio identical hormones).
HCG works in conjunction with a 500 calorie diet for weight by mobilising visceral fat . By doing this it provides extra calories on the diet so most people are able to function with minimal effects from the low calorie diet. HCG is actually the hormone produced during pregnancy and its role is to protect the foetus from malnutrition and provide calories if the mother’s diet becomes inadequate during pregnancy. The dose we use is a fraction of that produced in pregnancy and appears to be very safe with minimal reported side effects.